
Expansive cultural diversity

“Companies will begin to realize a more diverse workforce means a more diverse consumer base. Those companies, agencies, and organizations that value diversity will benefit overall, as the more culturally diverse their workforce, is, the more productive it will be, due to the minimization of monolithic thought processes and the overall makeup of the company. Companies must begin to look more like America looks. Those companies that don’t adapt will lose out via impact, influence and even income. A more diverse workforce also enhances workplace morale and promotes more innovative collaboration which is a plus overall,” —Keith L. Brown, “Mr. I’m Possible“, international speaker.

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Information on outcomes

As a professional speaker and certified executive coach Keith L. Brown hires tech personnel, salespeople and others to assist in programs, products, and services his company offers. What impresses him the most when a resume comes across his desk are those who illustrate outcomes, rather than just descriptions.

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Fathers not Farther

The movement I am presently most passionate about inspiring is the, “Fathers not Farther” movement. For I believe when Men of Purpose are committed to the positive growth of their children, our families will be healthier overall. Furthermore, I believe when we MENtor those whose fathers are not present, we are living at the height of servant leadership. When men of purpose show up and are committed, the atmosphere changes for the better.

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