
Keith is Available for the Following:

Leadership Conferences and Retreats
Freshman Orientation Events
Commencement Exercises
Residence Life Events/Programs
Greek Life Events/Programs
Student Government and Campus Organization Events/Programs
Homecoming Events (Speaker/Emcee/Host)
College Day/Recruitment/Visitation Events/Programs
High and Middle School Outreach Events/Programs
MLK, Black History Month and other Cultural Events/Programs
Alumni Affairs Events/Programs
Athletic Events/Programs 
Coaching and Training and much much more……

Most Requested Topics/Programs:

The Nerve of You/Have the Nerve to Serve: This relevant high octane engaging keynote/workshop focuses on students/scholars being Servant, Creative and Bridging Leaders who are ambassadors and sincere about protecting and enhancing the legacy of their Institution. Participants will receive tangible tools to ensure they are equipped to maximize their Leadership and Citizenship in the Collegiate Setting and beyond.

not impossible/I’M POSSIBLE: This relevant engaging keynote/workshop is a blueprint for overall success and significance in the Collegiate and post-Collegiate Settings. With a focus on Academic Excellence, Character, Life Skills, effective us of social media, and Leadership- students/scholars will leave this presentation with tangible information on how to be productive global citizens.


Building the SHIPS: This relevant engaging keynote/workshop illustrates how to balance and manage RelationSHIPS, ScholarSHIP, PartnerSHIPS, LeaderSHIP, and MentorSHIP.

Talk Is Expensive: This keynote/Workshop is designed to enhance the overall networking and communication skills of Student Leaders and Ambassadors. With coaching and training from Expert Communicators-students will depart with tangible keys to be effective and efficient communicators who can represent their Institution in any setting and themselves during and after the Collegiate experience is complete.

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