
Keith is Available for the Following:

Sales and Other Meetings
Family/Community Day Events
Customer Service Training
Employee Recognition Events
Holiday Celebration Events
Corporate/Government Sponsored Events in Schools and Colleges
and much much more…

Most Requested Topics/Programs:


There IS an I in Team:  This relevant highly engaging keynote/Workshop utilizes best practices in changing the traditionally held belief of ,”There is no I in team,” and through team building and other tangible tools- illustrates how the “I’s” actually make the team more cohesive, effective and prepared to achieve maximum impact and results.


Reflect, Protect and Connect: This relevant highly engaging unifying keynote/workshop uses best practices to promote team-building, collaboration, morale, professionalism, leadership and increased productivity.


Clearance Sale: This is the ULTIMATE keynote/workshop on reducing negative thoughts, communication and attitudes in the workplace, while promoting a high level of customer service, satisfaction and overall efficiency. Participants will be engaged in role playing and other team building activities to reinforce creating a,


“Culture of Caring,” Cohesiveness and the Highest Level of Customer Service in the workplace-which fosters trust and support locally, nationally and globally, where applicable.


 We also craft keynotes and workshops around client related themes. Mr. Brown does not give “cookie-cutter” messages. Each presentation is uniquely designed for each client and highlights the client’s overall mission and vision statement.

2020 Enterprises is the home of Keith L. Brown, "Mr. I'M POSSIBLE" and The I'M POSSIBLE Institute.


2020 Enterprises © 2025. All rights reserved.

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